The Revolutionary Treatment for Chronic Wounds: Shockwave Therapy

Chronic wounds are a serious medical condition that affects a significant portion of the population. It is considered chronic when an acute wound fails to heal within the expected timeline of three months. Chronic wounds are prevalent and mistreated, resulting in severe complications, morbidity, and high healthcare costs.

The most common types of chronic wounds include ulcers, venous ulcers, arterial ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, infectious wounds, ischemic wounds, surgical wounds, and radiation poisoning wounds. In addition, several risk factors can cause chronic wounds, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, obesity, and age.

Conservative wound care treatments focus on keeping the wound clean and dry, using proper dressings, and monitoring the injury for any changes. More invasive treatments, such as debridement or surgery, may be necessary to avoid necrosis. Shockwave therapy, a non-invasive and drug-free treatment modality, has shown significant promise in treating chronic wounds.

In a study published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, researchers compared the effectiveness of treating chronic diabetic foot ulcers with shockwave therapy to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Shockwave therapy resulted in a significantly higher percentage of completely healed ulcers, improved blood flow, increased cell proliferation, and decreased cell apoptosis compared to hyperbaric treatment.

Medical Wave offers world-class technology to healthcare professionals in all fields for treating chronic wounds, scar tissue, and frozen shoulder.

Don’t let chronic wounds remain a persistent problem for you or your patients. Contact Medical Wave today.

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Discover how you can start augmenting patient care and grow your practice with shockwave therapeutic machines. Contact us today for available shockwave machines and costs.

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