Goodbye Back Pain; Hello Physiotherapy

Back pain affects 65 million Americans, with chronic back pain reported by 8% of the population. Not only does back pain impact mobility, but it can also take a toll on mental health. It is the second leading cause of work absences. As such, it’s unsurprising that physiotherapy is an effective treatment for back pain.

Several issues can cause back pain — including muscle or ligament strain from repetitive awkward movements, bulging or ruptured disks, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Risk factors include age, poor physical fitness, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, improper lifting, etc. However, exercising, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and lifting heavy objects with proper form can help prevent back pain.

Physiotherapy for Back Pain

Doctors often refer patients to physiotherapists when self-care and rest fail to relieve back pain. Conservative treatment options such as heat, cold, and electrical stimulation combined with exercises and stretches are usually the first line of treatment. However, if these treatments fail, surgery may be necessary.

Shockwave therapy is a drug-free, non-invasive treatment option that physiotherapists can use to treat back pain. This therapy uses a shockwave device to deliver acoustic pressure waves to the affected area. The pressure waves stimulate metabolism and circulation, accelerating the body’s healing process.

In a study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, researchers measured the effectiveness of shockwave therapy for treating chronic low back pain. They divided a group of thirty patients into two groups. One group received shockwave therapy in addition to conservative physical therapy, while the other group only received physical therapy. After six weeks of treatment, researchers noted significant improvements in all three categories – pain, disability, and depression – for both groups. However, the progress in the shockwave group was more significant.

Physiotherapy for back pain is a powerful treatment option, and shockwave therapy can deliver exceptional results

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